Our story

Inspired by the 90s, relevant now

WAAS was born from the idea of two brothers who grew up in the 90s and who have been influenced by this culturally-rich period. Their common appeal for fashion and design and their willingness to preserve Gaia resulted in the creation of the very first collection of WAAS, a timeless and meaningful high-quality clothing line with one-of-a-kind designs.

our printing tests

Credits @Lucas Charliquart

For months, WAAS perfected their craft to give birth to the first illustrations of the Iconic collection. In the meantime, we have put all the necessary time and efforts to come up with the white t-shirt gem with a slightly-oversized cut and premium and sustainable fabric; the future canvas which will welcome colourful and powerful designs, trademark of our brand.

Long story short, WAAS is an independent family brand whose success depends on how people will relate to its first collection; an atypical clothing line, responsibly produced with top-notch quality materials.

Our planet, the focus of our concerns

We focused all our efforts on being as sustainable as possible. All our clothes are designed, produced and printed in Europe. To this end and in order to not take part in an overproduction logic, we decided to offer our clothes in limited editions only. Once our stocks finish, our current models will not be available for you to buy anymore and you will have to wait for the next ones.

Our ambition

We would like WAAS to become a platform for talented up-and-coming artists. Although our first collection is entirely homemade, our next collections will be designed by independent artists from all over the world with whom we will be collaborating. By the way, if you are a passionate artist, do not hesitate to reach out so that we could arrange a collab together.

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